Whatever It Takes
Whatever It Takes--Women's Edition
The God of the Universe has a plan for your life. From the beginning of time, He’s had a plan to advance His kingdom, and that plan includes a role for YOU. Today, He is calling your name and saying, “Do you want to play the part I have for you?”
Just like the original disciples who went from being fishermen from the small town of Galilee to being world changers, God has a plan for your life that is above and beyond anything you can imagine. He has a destiny He wants you to fulfill. A life that is so much richer and more meaningful than you could even dream.
Now the choice rests with you.
Do you want to walk in God’s call for your life?
Do you want to find God’s perfect will for your life, your destiny, the reason you were created, and the job God has for you?
As you discover your calling, are you willing to do whatever it takes to walk in your calling?
Are you willing to abandon it all for the sake of the call?
If you are ready to say, “Yes!” then let’s get started with the rest of the book and begin living a life worthy of our calling.