Can You Believe He Said That?
“Can you believe He said that?” “Whoa. Hold the phone!” “Did He just say…” Everywhere Jesus went, His teaching left people asking...
In the Beginning...Descended from Monkeys...No Way!
Way way back when I was in high school, a Christian singer named Geoff Moore brought out a song called “Evolution, Redefined.” My...
In the Beginning....God Created
“In the beginning God created the Heaven and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1) I was six years old when I first memorized this verse. It was the...
Have I Told You About My Air Fryer?
Have you ever met someone who got a new product and they just couldn’t wait to tell you all about it? For me, it’s been an air fryer....
That Dog Was Crazy!!
A while back, I attended a picnic at a friend’s house. As we talked, I couldn’t help but notice their little dog running around the...
A few weeks ago, Jamie and I were driving home at the end of a long day. Actually, it had been three long days, and we were both tired...
Top 10 Reasons I'm Thankful My Parents Took Me to Church
I was just four years old when my Mom accepted Jesus as her Saviour, became a follower of Christ, and joined our local Pentecostal church....
Who Ate the M&M's?
So the other day, Jamie was preparing to go and speak at a church. In one of his illustrations, he talks about M & M’s and throws a few...
Is Your Church Lying to You?
A few weeks ago, while I was praying for some of our family and friends to come to know Jesus as their Savior, I found myself repeating...
What Does It Matter?
"What does it matter?" Clear as a bell, the Holy Spirit spoke these words to me. Now I don't know how the Holy Spirit speaks to you, but...