Wanna Come Play at Grandma's House? What A Toddler Taught Me
Not having my own children, I love spending time with other people’s kids. My closest friends know this and send me pictures of their...
Who Do I Want to Be?
June is always a month of recovery for me. Jamie and I run like madmen during Mantour season from January through early May. By the time...
The Nineties are Calling
One of my favorite things to do while Jamie and I ride in the car is listening to podcasts. (Since we spend so much time in the car, we...
It Made Me Stop and Think
Over the winter, Jamie and I watched a series about the War for Independence and the Founding Fathers. It was so interesting and...
Who Is Jesus?
He was the ultimate hero. When He visited a community, He was instantly the talk of the town. His teaching and His miracles were...
The Big Lie About How to Solve Our Sin Problem
Over the past few weeks, we've been talking about lies that Christians believe regarding sin. This week, we're going to take a turn and...
The Big Lie About Sin
Years ago, I was watching an episode of "Everybody Loves Raymond." It was one of the later seasons, and Amy's very religious parents had...
A Big Fat Lie
A few days ago, I was waiting in line at CVS. Because the line was moving slowly, the father, with his preschool son behind me, decided...
Would You Like the Bad News or Good News first?
How do you answer when someone asks, "What do you want first: the good news or the bad news?" Personally, I always want the bad news...
Never Out Of Style
Have you ever been looking back over old photographs or yearbooks and wondered, “What was I thinking?” I think all of us who are over...