3. Just Like Always
The first step in becoming a man or woman who will not bow like Daniel is bending your knees in prayer.

Step Away From the Book
Have you ever watched a movie or television show and been tempted to read the book the story on which it was based? That happened to me...

I Haven't Changed My Mind
It was over twenty-five years ago and I was teaching at a Christian retreat. We were teaching children's church when one of the other...

A Little Chocolate Goes A Long Way
Recently I had the opportunity to spend a little girl time with one of my friends. Gotta say, it was so nice to have some time to talk...

There Is No Christianity Without the Cross
Last week I had the opportunity to share my testimony and the book “Finding Healing” with a group of women. Even though I’ve shared our...

The Great Crab Cake Debacle
I was sitting on the edge of the doctor’s table doubled over in pain convinced that I was about to hear that I had contracted a dreadful...

Fishing, Falling, and Learning to Stay Away From the Edge
It was a cool Spring morning when my parents packed our car with fishing poles and bait and decided to take my brother and me on a...

I Want to Be Abraham!!
One of my favorite men in the Bible has always been Abraham. So this morning when I saw that my Bible reading was taking me to his story...

Why I Don't Care if the Bachelor is a Virgin
It was New Year's Eve and I was cozy and warm inside in my pajamas. From my comfy couch, I watching people stand in the pouring rain in...