God Wants Us To Be Donkeys
As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them, “Go to the village...

I Want to Be Abraham!!
One of my favorite men in the Bible has always been Abraham. So this morning when I saw that my Bible reading was taking me to his story...

Sara's Story
Her name is Sara. Growing up, she was our next door neighbor and I don’t remember a time when I didn’t know her. Throughout her life,...

What If I Stumble?
Jamie and I were driving in the car when a familiar song blasted through the sound system. It was a golden-oldie from our teen years by...

Step Away From the Book
Have you ever watched a movie or television show and been tempted to read the book the story on which it was based? That happened to me...

Just Wear the Shirt
The other day I was watching 2 young girls and their mother play by the water. It wasn’t what you would call a warm day, but it wasn’t...

What Can A Woman Do in God's Kingdom?
The other day I was having lunch with a friend at my favorite restaurant, but I could hardly concentrate on the food because the...

What's the Big Deal About Christians and Alcohol?
Last week I posted a blog about the need for Christians to allow the convicting power of the Holy Spirit to play a more active role in...

Walking the Dog
Recently I had the opportunity to spend a few hours watching some dogs (and their owners) on the beach. It was very interesting to see...

So I Can't Sew
When I was growing up, my Mom could sew anything. Curtains. Bedspreads. Costumes. Furniture Covers. If we had it in our home…my mom...