And Then I Remembered!
Have you ever heard a song that left you totally wrecked? Maybe you were driving or sitting in a waiting room, and out of the blue, a...

God Did Not Forget
A few weeks ago, I shared how finding out termites were chewing on my house ruined my perfect day. Thankfully, we caught it early...

A Little Chocolate Goes A Long Way
Recently I had the opportunity to spend a little girl time with one of my friends. Gotta say, it was so nice to have some time to talk...

I Pledge Allegiance...
One of the fun things about being an Assemblies of God US missionary is traveling around to different churches and seeing how they do...

How Termites Ruined My Perfect Day
It was one of the first really warm days of Spring. Having the house mostly to myself, I planned to get all of my work done early and...

Giving Yourself Some Grace
So true confession: I’m not really a fan of Lauren Daigle’s music. Now I know that in many evangelical circles saying that you don’t like...

There Is No Christianity Without the Cross
Last week I had the opportunity to share my testimony and the book “Finding Healing” with a group of women. Even though I’ve shared our...

Thank You For Being A Friend
I just received another one this morning: a message from a friend saying, “I’ve felt so led to pray for you. What’s going on? How can...

Taking the Leap
A few weeks ago, I spent some time at a pool with a friend and her kids. It was one of the best days of my summer. Even though I...

The Great Crab Cake Debacle
I was sitting on the edge of the doctor’s table doubled over in pain convinced that I was about to hear that I had contracted a dreadful...