I Didn't Do It
Recently, I watched a television show where one of the main character’s friends was accused of committing a horrendous crime. Even...

What Would You Do If You Knew It Was The Last Week of Your Life?
What would you do if you knew this was the last week of your life? I’ve been thinking about this question as I took some time to read...

It's Not My Fault
“Hey Jamie, I need to talk to you for a minute.” “I didn’t do it.” “You don’t know what IT is.” “Still not my fault.” I cannot tell you...

Inside the Walls of My House
“As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” When I was growing up, there was a plaque with these words hanging in our hallway. ...

Choosing Joy
Have you ever noticed that some Christians seem to be unhappy about everything? Whatever the circumstances, they are miserable. They are...

Step Away From the Book
Have you ever watched a movie or television show and been tempted to read the book the story on which it was based? That happened to me...

God Did Not Forget
A few weeks ago, I shared how finding out termites were chewing on my house ruined my perfect day. Thankfully, we caught it early...