In the Beginning...Descended from Monkeys...No Way!
Way way back when I was in high school, a Christian singer named Geoff Moore brought out a song called “Evolution, Redefined.” My...
In the Beginning....God Created
“In the beginning God created the Heaven and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1) I was six years old when I first memorized this verse. It was the...
A few weeks ago, Jamie and I were driving home at the end of a long day. Actually, it had been three long days, and we were both tired...
Who Ate the M&M's?
So the other day, Jamie was preparing to go and speak at a church. In one of his illustrations, he talks about M & M’s and throws a few...
Is Your Church Lying to You?
A few weeks ago, while I was praying for some of our family and friends to come to know Jesus as their Savior, I found myself repeating...
A few weeks ago, I watched a movie on GAC starring Joey Lawrence. Of course, my brother, Jamie, took every opportunity to make jokes...
When God Calls You To Stand Alone
It was the day of the big showdown. Think Old West—the OK Corral. One man stood alone against the crowds of people who had blended the...
It's Not My Fault
“Hey Jamie, I need to talk to you for a minute.” “I didn’t do it.” “You don’t know what IT is.” “Still not my fault.” I cannot tell you...
How can we follow Jesus' command to love our enemies while still speaking God’s truth?
One of the great questions of our time is, "How can we follow Jesus' command to love our enemies while still speaking God’s truth?" In...
I Pledge Allegiance...
One of the fun things about being an Assemblies of God US missionary is traveling around to different churches and seeing how they do...