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Ageless Truths: Lessons I Learned in My Forties I Wish I Knew in My Twenties

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Ageless Truths

     In this 21-day devotional, Adessa shares Ageless Truths that she learned in her forties but wishes that she knew much earlier in life.


     She invites you to join in her silliness, feel camaraderie in our similar female challenges, and be encouraged to be the woman God created you to be.


     Whether you work through it on your own or work through it as a group you will be inspired by the Ageless Truth that God loves you, and no matter how young or old you are, He has a plan and purpose for your life.

Here's What People Say After Reading, "Ageless Truths"

“Adessa writes a sweet book, which is easy to read and filled with good advice, plus Scriptures to back up her thoughts. I love that each generation can cheer on the generation coming up behind them, and this book does just that!”
—Liz DeFrain, PennDel Ministry Network Women’s Director

"When I first met Adessa at a Women’s Conference (way back when), I was so impressed with the wisdom she shared.  She made me wish that I had been like her when I was in my thirties.  Although our lives were different in many ways, the core of who we are was very similar.  

As I read through AGELESS TRUTHS, I was amazed at the stories that are shared.  Not because I could not imagine Adessa going through these situations, but because the situations were so similar to many that I have lived.  The beauty of this book is that the lessons are put into writing, are followed through with practical lessons.  

Too often, we, as believers, live out a lesson, but soon forget it and do not apply what was learned to the rest of our journey.  Not only does Adessa capture the lesson, but makes the application easily remembered and applied.  Although I am older than her, I continue to need these reminders and encouragement to stand up for my convictions, to accept my imperfections, and to move forward from my failures." 

—Sharon Poole, PennDel Ministry Network Girls Ministry Director

“If you're familiar with Adessa's writings, this latest offering will not disappoint! Adessa combines humor, honesty and humility with sound Biblical principles. Each chapter gives plenty to consider and contemplate, and is relevant for women of all ages; I read it along with my school-age, college-age, and adult daughters! Adessa never disappoints!”
—Corinne Thorpe, Mom of 5 girls and 5 boys, pastor's wife, member of Women of Purpose Dream Team

"Godly truth and stories from the heart. “Ageless Truth” is an encouragement to women of all ages. This devotional book captures the importance of Holy Spirit’s voice in our lives and the unmistakable value of your voice. So many nuggets of truth in each chapter! "
Bethany Marshall,  Author/ Director of Daughters Conference

“How often do we look back on a decision we made, or a situation we handled and think, ‘If I knew then what I know now…' perhaps we would have managed differently, or obtained a better result? Through personal stories, some touching, some sprinkled with humor, Adessa shares wisdom and timeless truths that will inspire you to live freely, and securely to walk into the future God has for you!”
  - Brittany L. Ketter, Social Media Specialist PennDel Women

 "If you are looking to read something real, fresh eye-opening and thought-provoking, I recommend Adessa’s latest book “Ageless Truths.”  Adessa’s wit, authenticity, charm, and love for God's Word really come through on the pages of this book. The stories are engaging and relatable, while also making you take a look inward and shifting your perspective to God's perspective. I Loved it!
 — Kelly Carver, Author and Speaker



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